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PKZip Archive  |  1993-10-08  |  49KB

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File Comment
*LIVE* Girls-HOT CHAT, not a recording !!
(900)386-2223 (Soft talk) ($2.99 min, billed to phone)
(800)884-2223 (XXX talk)  ($2.99 min, billed to MC/VISA)
Publishers BBS (904)789-6843 Subscription $15-50.00 per year
(We DO NOT carry 'XXX' images) XX only (no penetration)
│     Lion's Den International, Inc.       │
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Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert PKZip Archive (zip) magic
100% file Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract, compression method=Imploding default
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20% TrID PrintFox/Pagefox bitmap (640x800) default